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stevia leave extract
Consejos: De todas las variedades, las olivas arbequinas
pertenecen a las más pequeñas y exquisitas, con ellas se
hace un aceite de oliva muy suave. Es un alimento base de
la dieta mediterránea y un gran aperitivo.

- Organic cinnamon
- Organic cloves and clove stems
- Organic curcuma flakes/powder
- Organic ginger flakes dried/organic ginger fresh
- Organic cocoa bean shells

- Organic cinnamon
- Organic cloves and clove stems
- Organic curcuma flakes/powder
- Organic ginger flakes dried/organic ginger fresh
- Organic cocoa bean shells
Mentha (Dry leaves, 15 tone/year or more)
Peppermint (Dry leaves, 15 tone/year or more)
Lemon balm (Dry leaves, 15 tone/year or more. Seed, 500 kg/year)
Lemon beebrush (Dry leaves, 15 tone/year or more)
Purple coneflower (Dry leaves, 15 tone/year or more. Seed, 1 tone/year )
We either get order for other plant and seeds which are not in this list.